Part 1: The MAP Collective come together for a common cause

Above: The Move Auckland Pasifika Collective (MAP) with Hawaiki Hou, and our Movement and Sport team. Having a strong desire to achieve a common goal is what sets a great vision in motion. In fact, it’s an act of service, commitment and collective energy towards bringing the vision to life. The vision of supporting Māori and […]

Collaborative effort for new community initiative

Kia ora Te Whānau is a new initiative reimagining what a well-being community hub could look like in South Auckland if created in partnership between local government and whānau. A working group of staff from multiple Auckland Council teams and services has spent much of the year talking with whānau and getting an understanding of […]

Tackling youth mental health and wellbeing in South Auckland

“Surface level can only go so far…the youth services that are provided can only go so far… I don’t think it can go deeper,” – Young Pasifika person* Insights gathered from young Pasifika and Māori people in South Auckland reveals a need for effective services and programmes that specialise in prioritising mental wellbeing. This is […]

The Church Plant takes exercise to Church

For most Pasifika, church is our spiritual haven, where we worship and congregate with our extended whānau. It’s a place where we connect, korero, and build long-lasting relationships. But can it also be a place for exercise and movement? The Church Plant has definitely proven it can be. In April 2022, Healthy Families South Auckland […]

Manukau Central Kindergarten: a place where culture is appreciated

Insights from the centre families at Manukau Central Kindergarten (MCK) in Wiri has seen more Pacific and Māori culture in its centre and increased interaction from families.  Incorporating Pacific and Māori culture in the early childhood education (ECE) environment has enabled the teachers of MCK to ensure children are better cared for holistically, meeting not […]

ECE centres involved in HFSA Early Years Project co-designing and thriving

Early Childhood Education Centres involved in the Healthy Families South Auckland’s (HFSA) Early Years Project, report better engagement with families since taking part in the capability-building workshops. “Before we were always communicating to our parents, we never communicated with each other. Now we plan events with them rather than deciding on our own and telling […]

Changes to Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act: OK, alright, it’s about d#!%n timeı

For South Auckland where the sheer number of liquor outlets has been deemed ‘out of control’ and the social effect of alcohol abuse is a major issue, the community welcomes the greater powers proposed in Justice Minister, Hon Kiritapu Allan’s recent announcement. In 2017, Healthy Families South Auckland (HFSA) alongside Auckland Council’s Democracy Services and […]

Teaching Systems Change – Baruk Jacob

In September, Baruk Jacob stepped away from his role as Capability Lead for Healthy Families South Auckland, ending a four-year stint with the team based at The Southern Initiative. During that time he oversaw the building of team capability in Healthy Families South Auckland when it came to strengthening and embedding the six conditions of […]

Movement and Sport Webinar

Last week, our Healthy Families South Auckland team (HFSA) hosted a Systems Change webinar on Movement and Sport in South Auckland, presented by our Systems Lead Innovator, Pita Alatini. The presentation touched upon the lived experiences of our Māori and Pacific communities when finding compelling reasons to be physically active, the conditions holding the barriers […]