2018 Year in Review

Merry Christmas! The team at Healthy Families Manukau, Manurewa-Papakura would like to wish our community of South Auckland a safe and joyful Christmas and New Year season. This year we have collaborated on many fantastic initiatives supporting health and wellbeing in the places we live, learn, work and play. We look forward to working with […]

Maramataka in urban spaces

In October the Te Pū a Nga Maara collective facilitated a field trip for South Auckland rangatahi to experience mātauranga Māori and maramataka in urban spaces.  The collective includes Auckland Council’s The Southern Initiative, Healthy Families Manukau, Manurewa-Papakura and the Department of Conservation, underpinned by the needs and aspirations of Makaurau, Papatūānuku Kōkiri and Manurewa […]

Healthy choice the easy choice at Papakura Netball Centre

A ‘health by stealth’ approach to the food system at Papakura Netball Centre has been adopted by the sports venue this year to help make healthy food and beverage choices, the easiest choice. During the 2018 netball season, the centre trialled a new approach to the tuck shop and cafeteria offerings on site. Both food […]

Strengthen your wellbeing, let nature in

As part of Mental Health Awareness Week 2018, Healthy Families Manukau, Manurewa-Papakura are partnering with Hāpai te Hauora and the Mental Health Foundation to encourage wellbeing, using ancient Māori techniques. Led by Kaiārahi Māori Mason Ngawhika, the initiative is part of a larger movement that takes a wairua-centred approach to health. “A strong aspect of […]

Students take a stand around Wai

Mangere College is leading the way as a Pro- Water school in South Auckland and the initiative is being led by the students. The high school’s Health Council is taking a stance on health by mobilising teachers and their fellow students to make water the first-choice drink at school. Students have proposed to have a […]

Home for the harvest

More than 50 families who started their own boxed garden as part of the One Love Māngere initiative six months ago are now into their second season of planting, introducing winter crops. From taro and herbs to cruciferous vegetables, this small Māngere community is enjoying the ongoing benefits of home-grown kai. “Many in this neighbourhood […]

South Auckland influencing inventive change around New Zealand and the world

Sikhs all over New Zealand and around the world are finding creative and cross-cultural ways to re-use the cloth they previously discarded after religious ceremonies thanks to an idea germinated in Takanini, South Auckland. In Sikhism, Rumala Sahib are wrappings, draperies and coverlets used as altar cloths to protect prayer books and scriptures, or scarves […]

Innovation creates more health promoting environments in leisure centres in South Auckland

Healthy Families Manukau, Manurewa-Papakura together with Counties Manukau Health’s Living Smokefree Service is driving innovation to create more health promoting environments in places like leisure centres in South Auckland, where families spend their time.  Increasing opportunities for people to quit smoking has become a little easier thanks to a new   smoking cessation approach. This is […]

Partnership with major businesses gives voice to employees to improve workplace wellbeing

Healthy Families Manukau, Manurewa-Papakura in partnership with major New Zealand corporates has released the findings around the health and wellbeing of shift workers in South Auckland. The partnerships or Business Community of Practice (BCoP) are a part of Healthy Families Manukau, Manurewa-Papakura’s innovative approach to bring employees and employers together to look at what constitutes […]

Do Good Feel Good Leaders take up leadership challenge

Four young leaders from Do Good Feel Good (DGFG) will attend the Aotearoa Youth Declaration Conference in Auckland this month. The UN Youth event is the organisation’s flagship civics education conference and involves around 200 students.  The aim is to equip participating youth from all across Aotearoa with a deeper understanding of their place within […]