The team involved in the Kia Ora Te Whānau Hubs initiative have released a case study called “Waters of Te Maahia Mural”.
The initiative was a co-design process co-led by Healthy Families South Auckland, Te Matariki Clendon Library/Te Paataka Koorero o Waimaahia, and Te Waka Kerewai (Māori Outcomes Unit), and supported by Hamish Lindop from the Community Innovation Team in Auckland Council.
Kia Ora Te Whānau Hubs is reimagining what a well-being community hub could look like in South Auckland if created in partnership between local government and whānau.
Healthy Families South Auckland’s Senior Strategist – Kaupapa Māori, Rereahu Collier, says that more case studies around the Kia Ora Te Whānau Hubs initiative will be produced as the team does more reflective interviews with participants.
“With all our initiatives that we do it is important to revisit, reflect and discuss what worked and what we learnt from the initiative that can be expanded to other mahi within Healthy Families New Zealand and Auckland Council.”
“The work with Kia Ora Te Whānau Hubs has demonstrated cross-team collaboration within Auckland Council and with whānau from the community in Waimaahia Clendon, identifying how community spaces have well-being components embedded within it and how we can strengthen well-being across the board.”
“The importance of creating case studies helps us to highlight the captured narratives in the co-creation process and weave the opportunities and insights created from those stories into the structures and relationships connected to whānau well-being.”
Case study: Kia ora Te Whānau Hubs: Waters of Te Maahia Mural