An exciting new partnership has been formed between Healthy Families Manukau, Manurewa-Papakura, Manurewa High School and Toi Tangata to create learning environments that meet the needs and aspirations of Māori. The Healthy Families NZ approach brings leadership from across communities together to find new ways to improve health and wellbeing. Taking this unique approach seeks to create a blueprint for change, for a national education system that improves hauora Māori.
Healthy Families Manukau, Manurewa-Papakura is leading the co-design process within the classroom and analysing student, teacher and whanau insights. We are also facilitating the re-design of curriculum and pedagogy, including alignment with current Māori-specific NZQA national standards. By connecting the project with local stakeholders and current initiatives, like Panuku Development Auckland that uses a maramataka approach in urban development, we are creating opportunities for students to contribute to live projects within our community.
We have just completed a 6-week real-time prototype. If you are interested in being a part of a community of practice to support, guide and advocate for the development of this kaupapa, please email Nikki Timu: [email protected]