We are out and about in the neighbourhood daily, connecting with awesome individuals, community organisations, clubs and businesses in the spaces they Live, Learn, Work and Play.
Here’s a snapshot of November.

The first prototype from the Otara Kai CoLABoration project has begun testing. Otara Fresh is being trialled with a ‘just add meat’ healthy meal option that includes a fresh produce bag and easy recipe card. The Healthy Families Manukau, Manurewa-Papakura team, with their Otara Kai CoLABoration collegues, are going through recipes with Otara families over the coming weeks. First recipe, Sapasui!

Coach Andy Piutau is co-leading a water project to look at increasing water consumption at Otara’s Tupu library. The first phase is around understanding the attitudes, behaviours and perceptions of water by the library’s biggest users, its awesome kids.

Togiatolu Walter Togiamua, newly elected Deputy Chairperson of the Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board, talks to club, school and community leaders at the Mangere-Otahuhu Sports Forum. Settings Co-ordination Manager, Nikki Timu and Senior Coach, Willie Iosia attended and presented at the forum, hosted by Counties Manukau Sport, that looked to inform, educate and inspire the community around physical activity in the region.

Coach Tammy Potini is working with mothers in Manurewa in a ‘Fun Space’ initiative that works to strengthen families and utilize community spaces to determine and lead their own programmes of change. On a trip with Manurewa mum Luah and her daughter Jenny, they visited CIDANZ in Mangere looking at different uses of community spaces across the region and how health-inspired ideas can be adopted and applied in different communities.