South Auckland parents open up about their kids’ mental health

‘Māori and Pasifika parents are freeing themselves from intergenerational trauma to
protect their children’s mental health.’, a community talanoa held by Healthy Families
South Auckland (HFSA) uncovered during a community wananga centred on what
necessary family support structures are needed to nurture young peoples’ mental

HFSA Lead Systems Innovator, Siliva Togatuki said co-designing an approach to tackle
mental health in the home has been an eye-opening, yet heavy experience which has
highlighted the need for a robust parent support system – something that is lacking in
the current support network.

“We have begun talking with parents about how home life may influence the mental
and emotional wellbeing of their rangatahi. One participant said children are highly
attuned to their parents’ emotions and can often sense when their parents are
experiencing issues and father told us that men focus too less on themselves and
instead, how to provide for their families.”

The first wananga feedback uncovered the need for home support systems recognising
that they have a profound influence on young peoples’ development and behaviour and
that the way parents and caregivers’ model good mental wellbeing in the way they
handle stress, conflict and relationships can have a profound effect on youth in the
home environment.

Previous research highlighted a need for increased awareness of mental health
services for rangatahi, and that rangatahi from South Auckland feel at ease with leaning
on whānau and friends however, through generational learnings, current parents aren’t
quite equipped to understand how to manage mental wellbeing topics for themselves,
and their youth.

“It’s essential that we provide parents and caregivers with the tools they need to
cultivate resilience in the face of life’s daily stresses. When they have those tools, they
are better equipped to create a positive home environment for their mental health and
in turn, the mental health of their children.

“Enacting systems change through co-design highlights how we can support not only
each other within our homes but throughout the wider community. Ultimately, we’re
looking for that ripple effect – helping parents feel supported and empowered so they
can pass that strength onto their wider whānau”, says Siliva.

The initiative is the first step towards a strategy that will enable parents to uncover gaps
in support systems and troubleshoot what filling in those gaps may look like. The
talanoa sessions with the people at the heart of the kaupapa, will bring forward thinking
and helpful tools to establish and stabilise a parent centred, youth impacted approach
to mental wellbeing.

The wananga is being used to support HFSA plans to co-design a resource alongside
the community members engaged with, that supports the entire family unit through
tricky situations.

Scheduled to run regularly at The Cause Collective, with facilitators and mental
wellbeing specialists available to learn and shepherd the conversation, the team at
HFSA would like to hear from more Māori and Pasifika parents from South Auckland
who would like to be a part of this programme.

If you or anyone you know are interested, email Veranika at
[email protected]

Free call or text 1737 any time to speak to a trained counsellor.

Lifeline: 0800 543 354 or text HELP to 4357
Youthline: 0800 376 633 (24/7) or free text 234 (8am-12am), or email
[email protected]