Fruit & vege pop-up strengthens food accessibility in Māngere

A community-driven fruit and vegetable pop-up in Māngere has had a positive start to bringing affordable and accessible fresh fruit and vegetables to local people. The I AM Māngere and Foodtogether pop-up station at the Envirohub in Māngere has received glowing feedback with many praising the quality and affordability of fruit and vegetables. Crates of […]
Kia Ora Te Whānau Hubs: Case Study

The team involved in the Kia Ora Te Whānau Hubs initiative have released a case study called “Waters of Te Maahia Mural”. The initiative was a co-design process co-led by Healthy Families South Auckland, Te Matariki Clendon Library/Te Paataka Koorero o Waimaahia, and Te Waka Kerewai (Māori Outcomes Unit), and supported by Hamish Lindop from […]
Healthy Families mahi highlighted in new report

Healthy Families South Auckland’s work has been highlighted in the Public Health Advisory Committee’s (PHAC) recent report, Rebalancing our Food System. This report, the first released by PHAC, underscores the necessity for the government to adopt a more proactive stance in ensuring that New Zealand’s food system benefits all citizens, asserting the right to access […]