Gardens Galore

The One Love Gardens initiative saw the installation of 50 garden boxes across four streets in Mangere in November. The initiative is a partnership between One Love, Healthy Families Manukau, Manurewa-Papakura and Alliance Community Initiatives Trust.  It tests what a sustainable food system could look like in South Auckland and the installation of the gardens […]

South Auckland marae transforming conservation

The Department of Conservation (DOC) is adopting a new approach in their work in South Auckland by collaborating with three local marae in a year-long initiative to support active kaitiakitanga. Joined by The Southern Initiative and Healthy Families Manukau, Manurewa-Papakura, ‘Te Pū a nga Maara’ Collective is underpinned by the needs and aspirations of Makaurau, […]

South Auckland: How we move!

The team at Healthy Families Manukau, Manurewa-Papakura have been thinking a lot about movement and why it’s so important to the well-being and health of our local community. Here’s what we know.  78% of adults and 80% of young people in the Auckland region take part in some form of sport and recreation each week. […]

Reducing alcohol harm in Mangere

Hone Fowler and his team at the Mangere East Community Centre are passionate about making a difference in their local community. Born and raised in the area, he studied Community Development at the University of Auckland and is now leading the Centre’s work to provide support for the 35,000 residents of Mangere East.  Hone has […]

On the look out for opportunities to eat well in South Auckland

The Supreme Sikh Society of New Zealand, based in Takanini, are embarking on a new project to grow fresh produce on excess temple land.  As well as increasing the availability of free fruit and vegetables in their community, they will also be teaching food production and promoting fresh food values, to transform the local food […]

Creating ‘loved spaces’ in the quest for a Smokefree Clendon

A healthier Aotearoa starts in the places we live, learn, work, and play.  And its exactly these environments where the people of Clendon are looking to influence smokefree behaviours in their community. Healthy Families Manukau, Manurewa-Papakura found smoking cessation goals barely featured in the personal or neighbourhood priorities of Clendon locals.  Instead the community highlighted […]

Manurewa High School rethink education to improve hauora Maori

An exciting new partnership has been formed between Healthy Families Manukau, Manurewa-Papakura, Manurewa High School and Toi Tangata to create learning environments that meet the needs and aspirations of Māori. The Healthy Families NZ approach brings leadership from across communities together to find new ways to improve health and wellbeing. Taking this unique approach seeks […]

Rinnai staff and community benefit from workplace wellbeing

Healthy Families Manukau, Manurewa-Papakura is supporting leaders in workplace wellbeing to create sustainable change that improves health for their workforce, as well as the wider community. A huge portion of our community’s time is spent at work with this environment holding great potential to influence our wellbeing. From having more energy and feeling happier at […]

Mangere College students explore ways to make water the first choice

Water is the best and healthiest drinking option, water is also a taonga we value. Healthy Families Manukau, Manurewa-Papakura is working across our community to position water as the first choice beverage option. To achieve this, the goal is to increase the number of water promoting environments in areas we live, learn, work and play. […]