Kia Ora Te Whānau Hubs: Case Study
The team involved in the Kia Ora Te Whānau Hubs initiative have released a case study called “Waters of Te Maahia Mural”. The initiative was a co-design process co-led by Healthy Families South Auckland, Te Matariki Clendon Library/Te Paataka Koorero o Waimaahia, and Te Waka Kerewai (Māori Outcomes Unit), and supported by Hamish Lindop from […]
Collaborative effort for new community initiative
Kia ora Te Whānau is a new initiative reimagining what a well-being community hub could look like in South Auckland if created in partnership between local government and whānau. A working group of staff from multiple Auckland Council teams and services has spent much of the year talking with whānau and getting an understanding of […]